The #IceBucketChallenge has officially high-jacked your social media channels. Since the inception of Facebook, there has not been a viral campaign that has caught people’s attention quite like this. While some are tired of seeing so many people dunk ice on their head, I thought it would be good to talk about all the good its done…
1. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is taking social media by storm
The New York Times reports that between June 1 and August 13, 1.2 million Ice Bucket Challenges have been shared on Facebook. Since July 29, 2.2 million mentions of the challenge have occurred on Twitter. It truly is taking over the world of social media.
2. Number of New Donors has Sky-Rocketed
Over the summer, the ALS Association has gained 260,000 new donors, many of which are attributed to the Ice Bucket Challenge.
3. It didn’t start with ALS
The Ice Bucket Challenge has been a benefit to many charities, not just ALS. Matt Lauer brought attention to it when he had water poured over his head on the Today Show, donating money to the Hospice of Palm Beach County. He challenged three celebrities, and the trend got national attention.
4. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has gone global.
People from all over the globe have watched their favorite celebrities participate and are participating themselves.
5. Donations are small, but many.
The average donation from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is substantially lower than average, but the number of donations has skyrocketed through the challenge. The ALS Association opens that the donors will remain invested and interested in the disease after the meme has worn off.
6. Most of the funds go where they are needed.
Project ALS has stated that 89 percent of the funds donated because of the Ice Bucket Challenge go to research and education, including looks into gene silencing and stem cell research, which hold promise for the disease.
7. Athletes Love It
From Cristiano Ronaldo, Eli Manning, Lebron James, even the coaching staff at The Ohio State University, have all embraced the viral campaign, and have been adding their own twist. Check out this article on Sports Illustrated which has a compilation of them all.
8. It’s working.
As of August 17, 2014 donations to the ALS Association have totaled $13.3 million since July 29. This is compared to $1.7 million during the same time period last year. That’s 682% increase in donations!
Isn’t it great when we see people coming together for a greater cause?!